Music Day I
Music Day II
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Sample Dedications
Music Day II

Below are three sample dedications that were used by performers in 2002, modified to reflect this year’s dates.

1. (Short)

This performance is part of Daniel Pearl Music Day, an annual event now taking place around the world, in which thousands of musicians unite in a stand for tolerance and humanity.

2. (Medium)

This performance is part of Daniel Pearl Music Day, an annual global concert celebrating the ideals of tolerance, friendship and shared humanity. Daniel Pearl Music Day was inspired by the life and work of journalist and musician Daniel Pearl, who would have turned 40 on October 10th. (Your name here, e.g. The American Symphony Orchestra) joins people around the world in a tribute to all the visionary men and women who use the power of music to lift the unity of mankind above the differences the set us apart. Through our music today, we reaffirm our conviction that humanity will triumph and harmony will prevail.

3. (Longer)

This concert is dedicated as a tribute to the life and mission of Daniel Pearl, the American journalist who was kidnapped and murdered last year in Pakistan, whose 40th birthday falls on October 10, 2003. It is part of a worldwide Music Day in which music lovers from around the world take a united stand for tolerance, humanity and friendship.

Daniel Pearl was a talented violinist, fiddler and mandolin player, for whom music was an essential form of expression. In every town he lived, he joined a band, orchestra or chamber group and formed new connections through his passion for music and friendship. He left behind a long trail of musician-friends, stretching from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, from Atlanta to Paris, Tehran and Mumbai, along which musical events are taking place today and a message of hope is communicated to people around the globe.

When asked by a friend if he believed in an afterlife, Danny answered: 'I don't have answers, mainly questions. But I sure hope Gabriel likes my music.'

Today we can assure him: 'Gabriel likes your music, Danny. He sees humanity asserting itself in a symphony of connected worlds, and he surely likes it.'

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